Fees Payment
The fee-collection hours are from 8:00 am to 04:00 pm from Monday to Saturday. The Last date of depositing fee is the 15th of the month.A Late fee of Rs. 5/- will be charged till the 20th of the month & Rs. 20/- will be charged if the fees is paid from 21st to 25th.The arrears of the fee of a month must be deposited by the 15th of the next month with a fine of Rs 50/-.Re-Admi May be accepted on payment of Rs 250/- as admission fee only by the principals permission.Payment of the fees in advance on a quarterly , half-yearly and annual basis is also accepted.An Annual Development fee has to be paid in April Only.
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Salient Features J. Dawn Wasco School
Modern World Class Infrastructure!
Creative, Enthusiastic and Passionate Teachers!